
WATCH: BBC explores YMCA Digital’s ‘Children In Need’ funded project


YMCA Digital ‘young creative’ Joe, along with staff members Darren and Ben, featured on BBC East Midlands Today to talk about Nottinghamshire YMCA’s after school creative sessions funded by BBC Children In Need.

Showcasing youth services like YMCA Digital, East Midlands Today raised a fantastic total of £1,676,342 for Children in Need across a variety of good causes!

Thanks to generous funding from BBC Children in Need, our YMCA Digital project is delivering open-access, after-school sessions on Tuesdays and Wednesdays to support young people in building confidence and increasing social and transferable skills, while helping them to find their voice.

Using a variety of digital media and creative arts activities, including MC skills, radio broadcasting, live performance, music, film, creative writing, and journalism, the sessions will engage young people and help them to develop skills that they would not normally be able to access. Thank you to our fantastic funder, Children In Need!

To find out more, contact the YMCA Digital team at studio@nottsymca.org.
