YMCA York and East Riding is delivering temporary supported accommodation for homeless young people in Goole, East Riding of Yorkshire. The hostel accommodation features fully furnished rooms and a shared living area and kitchen for residents.
Transitional houses are shared homes in the community for adults with low support needs.
Who do we help?
Young single homeless people aged 16-25 with support needs are encouraged to get in touch with us to apply for temporary accommodation in our main hostel.
Priority will be given to people with a local connection to the East Riding of Yorkshire. Key facilities in our hostel include a community room with pool table, laundry facilities and a shared kitchen.
Depending on the individual’s needs, adult applicants may be allocated a place in our transitional houses, which are shared accommodation homes based in the community for people aged 25+ with low-level support needs.

Our projects
Volunteer placements
We are proud to work with local businesses who offer placement opportunities for our residents to build their portfolio of work experience.
Whether you run a community café, local arts venue, charity shop or elderly care provision – please get in touch as we would love to discuss ways in which we can create a mutually beneficial relationship. Email: giles.conlon@nottsymca.org.
Outdoor projects for residents
We currently deliver a 12-week programme with the Prince’s Trust, which features outward-bound activities and team-building challenges in Nidderdale to help boost the confidence and social skills of our residents.

Support and training skills
While living at the YMCA, all young people will have a key worker who meets with them regularly to offer support with any issues they may have and to help them plan short and long-term goals.
Staff provide support to help individuals maintain their tenancies and achieve a successful transition towards independent living. Support given includes basic living skills, benefit support and budgeting, employment and education, volunteering opportunities, help with addressing drug and alcohol issues, and referrals to relevant support agencies.
Our key worker system ensures regular support sessions are delivered by full-time staff and supplemented with additional sessions hosted by our part-time staff team. Before a resident moves into independent living, YMCA York and East Riding will offer guidance to help them manage their own tenancy, budgeting and bills.
On moving in, residents will be required to sign a licence agreement to their accommodation. A small weekly personal charge will be payable depending on location for both hostels and transitional properties.

Useful Links
I’d like to apply for housing in Goole:
I’m a Goole YMCA resident and have a question or feedback:
Contact Us
YMCA York and East Riding
Edinburgh Court
Edinburgh Street
DN14 5EH
Email: stay@nottsymca.org
Call: 01405 780578